Virginia Jetzt!

Bild Quelle:

  • german
  • indie
  • deutsch
  • indie pop
  • pop
Virginia Jetzt! is a German indie pop band founded in the small town of Elsterwerda in Brandenburg in 1999 - the quartet is now based in Berlin. The band has released three albums so far, their 2003 debut album "Wer hat Angst vor Virginia Jetzt?" - a play on words from the Edward Albee play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" - was followed by "Anfänger" in 2004 and "Land Unter" in 2007. Virginia Jetzt! are known for their emotional yet upbeat guitar pop. They are generally considered part of the new wave of German pop music which rediscovered German lyrics.

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    So schlägt mein Herz

    Spurlos verschwinden

    Spurlos verschwunden

    The Final Countdown

    Tobias Siebert will nie mehr allein sein

    Völlig plötzlich

    Von einer besseren Welt

    Von guten Eltern

    Wahre Liebe

    Weil Liebe dort beginnt

    Weil wir Anfänger sind

    Weit weg


    Wo bist Du jetzt


    Zwei Minuten

    Zwischen allen


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