
Bild Quelle:

  • german
  • singer songwriter
  • indie
  • deutsch
  • tom liwa
The flowerpornoes are a german alternative indie rock band from Duisburg with blues and folk inspirations and mostly german lyrics. The lead guitar player and lead singer is Tom Liwa. The group members are changing from time to time and the band is touring every now and then in Germany. Tom Liwa is also sometimes presenting himself as solo artist just singing and playing acoustic guitar without any band.

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Wie oft musst du vor die Wand laufen bis der Himmel sich auftut? (2007)
Ich & Ich (1996)
... red' nicht von Straßen, nicht von Zügen (1994)
Mamas Pfirsiche (für schlechte Zeiten) (1993)
As Trivial as Life and Death (1990)
Pumkin Tide (1989)
Pumpkin Tide (1989)
Flowerpornoes (1988)
Ich Liebe Menschen Wie Ihr


Liane (Cool ist das Wort) (1994)
These Hands (1988)
