
Bild Quelle:

  • post-rock
  • instrumental
  • indie
  • post rock
  • alternative
Mogwai are a band from Glasgow formed in 1995. They compose lengthy, mostly instrumental guitar-based pieces in the style of post-rock, usually focused around the elaboration of a single theme, and are known traditionally for their quiet/loud dynamic, defined bass riffs, and an eminent ambient sound, sometimes dark and sometimes grand. Although frequently referred to as post-rock, the band have revealed in interviews that they despise this categorization, insisting that their sound bears little resemblance to pioneers of the genre, such as Tortoise.

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    Devil Rides

    Devil Rides (feat. Roky Erickson)

    Dial Revenge

    Dial: Revenge

    Dial: Revenge (feat. Gruff Rhys)

    Does This Always Happen?

    Don't Believe the Fife


    Dracula Family

    Drive the Nail
