
Bild Quelle:

  • black metal
  • dark metal
  • german
  • metal
  • death metal
Eisregen is a German, lyrically extreme, dark metal band which was founded in 1994. The members are from Tambach-Dietharz, a village in Thüringen (Thuringia). By using morbid German lyrics unlike those of other bands of this genre, they got the attention of German authorities, causing the banning of three of their albums, one EP and one live-video. The reason given was the lyrics, described as "grausam, menschenverachtend, frauenfeindlich, verrohend und sozial-ethisch desorientierend" (cruel, inhuman, misogynistic, brutalising and socially/ethically desorienting).

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    Alice im Wundenland


    Alphawolf (alternative gesangsversion)

    Am Glockenseil

    Atme Asche

    Auf den Spuren der Säge

    Auf ewig Ostfront

    Auferstehung (Pest IV)

    Auftakt: Eine kleine Schlachtmusik

