
Bild Quelle:

  • symphonic black metal
  • black metal
  • melodic black metal
  • taiwanese
  • taiwanese black metal
A Taiwanese Symphonic Black Metal Interweaving brutal rhythms, sorrowfully beautiful piano melodies, and strings of grandeur, Anthelion's music encapsulates beauty, intricacy, extreme intensity, and conflict into a single expression. The vocals are an elaborate web of croaks high and low, stringed together with ear-dissecting screeches that fully express the strong emotions in the songs. The guitars incorporate a sound deeply influenced by speed metal and techniques from classical music onto a foundation of dark and heavy black metal guitar...

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    Bloodshed In The Dark of Burning Hell

    Bloody Matrimony

    Grave Ocean

    Hibernation Glaciation Exuviation

    Sin of Aeon

    Snake Corpse

    The Evil Adversary

    The Tome of Broken Souls

    Without Trepidation
