Lars Winnerbäck

Bild Quelle:

  • swedish
  • singer-songwriter
  • pop
  • rock
  • svenskt
Lars Winnerbäck is one of the most popular Swedish singers/songwriters of the last decade. He started off with a folk-pop sound but moved towards rock in the late 90's. In his most recent work he has again moved towards a more acoustic style. Originally from Linköping, he later moved to Stockholm to help his career take off. Both cities are frequently featured in the lyrics of his songs. And a little bit more description from Wikipedia:

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    18:e balladen

    Aldrig riktigt slut

    Aldrig riktigt slut (alternativ version)

    Alla vägar har sitt pris

    Åt samma håll

    Att fånga en fjäril

    Att fånga en fjäril (live)

    Av ingens frö

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