Ganz schön Feist

Bild Quelle:

  • a capella
  • german
  • comedy
  • deutsch
  • pop
Ganz schön Feist is a German pop/a cappella/comedy group. Some of their songs are a-capella, most aren't. An important attribute of their music is the humour in lyrics. Founded in Göttingen, DE Ganz schön Feist started in 1989.
Initial Members were Mathias Zeh, Rainer Schacht and Beo Brockhausen. Due to the fact Beo Brockhausen left the band in 2004, Christoph Jess joined in to make the trio complete again. albums so far:
1993 – [album artist]Ganz Schön Feist]Ganz Schön Live[/album]

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    40 Zigaretten

    50 Kilometer

    Alles wiederholt sich


    Anders sein


    Berg und Tal


    Bleib Geschmeidig

    Bleib Geschmeidig (instrumental)
