Wolfgang Petry

Bild Quelle:

  • schlager
  • wolfgang petry
  • german
  • deutsch
  • party
Franz Hubert Wolfgang Remling (Wolfgang Petry) was born in Cologne-Raderthal on the 22th of September 1951. (Schlager)
Schlager (German Schlager, literally "hitter" or, more loosely translated, "a hit") is a style of popular music that is prevalent in northern Europe, in particular Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Latvia and Lithuania, but also to a lesser extent in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

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    ... voller Seligkeit

    ...und w-w-wer küsst mich (She's gonna win)

    ...voller Seligkeit

    100 Stunden

    1000 Geschenke

    1000 Geschenke (Tochter Zion)

    1000 und 1 Nacht (Zoom)

    13 Tage

    20 Jahre danach

