
Bild Quelle:

  • black metal
  • blackened death metal
  • death metal
  • metal
  • american
Goatwhore is a blackened death metal band from the swamps of New Orleans, LA. They were formed by well known musicians from the Louisiana metal scene. They first came together in 1996/97 when Sammy Duet (former Acid Bath/Crowbar guitarist) and Zak Nolan (former drummer of Goatwhore, now replaced by Zack Simmons) jammed together as a little sideproject when Acid Bath was taking a break. They soon made some four track demos.

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    ... Of Ashen Slumber

    A Closure in Infinity

    A Haunting Curse...

    Alchemy of the Black Sun Cult

    All the Sins

    Apocalyptic Havoc

    As the Reflection Slowly Fades

    As the Sun Turns to Ash

    Baptized in a Storm of Swords

    Blood Guilt Eucharist
