
Bild Quelle:

  • hardcore
  • straight edge
  • youth crew
  • hardcore punk
  • nyhc
John Porcell (Rhythm Guitar)
Tom Capone (Lead Guitar)
Matt Warnke (Vocals)
Tim Brooks (Bass)
Vinny Panza (Drums) BOLD HISTORY "Back I looked on years spent and all the things I've seen.
'Cause I'm so much older, you must know what I mean.
I've learned from those days, both good and bad.
Thinking back on all those times I had." The sounds and messages of the forefathers of American Hardcore traveled from Boston and surrounding New England down the Mass Pike and across I-84, from D.

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    Still Strong

    Strength Through Hope

    Talk is Cheap

    Today We Live

    United We Stand

    Walk Tall, Walk Straight

    Wise Up

    You're the Friend I Don't Need
