
Bild Quelle:

  • alt-country
  • indie
  • indie rock
  • rock
  • alternative
Wilco is an American rock band based in Chicago, Illinois. The band was formed in 1994 by the remaining members of alternative country group Uncle Tupelo following singer Jay Farrar's departure from that group. Wilco's lineup has changed frequently, with only singer Jeff Tweedy and bassist John Stirratt remaining from the original incarnation. The other current members are guitarist Nels Cline, multi-instrumentalists Pat Sansone and Mikael Jorgensen, and drummer Glenn Kotche.

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    Black Moon

    Black Moon [Alt]

    Blasting Fonda

    Blue Eyed Soul

    Bob Dylan's 49th Beard

    Born Alone

    Box Full of Letters

    Bright Leaves

    Bull Black Nova

