Doubting Thomas

Bild Quelle:

  • industrial
  • experimental
  • electronic
  • skinny puppy related
  • ebm
Doubting Thomas was a Skinny Puppy sideproject, created by cEvin Key and Dwayne Goettel in the late 1980s. The music has been described as "soundtracks to imaginary films". Doubting Thomas could be seen as kind of a dry run for Key and Goettel's next ex-Skinny Puppy project, Download. However, Doubting Thomas trades dOWNLOAD's heavy for the abstract. Doubting Thomas released two records - the full-length album "The Infidel", and the accompanying EP "Father Don't Cry.

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The Infidel (disc 1) (2007)
The Infidel (disc 2) (2007)
The Infidel (1991)


Father Don't Cry (1991)
