All My Faith Lost ...

Bild Quelle:

  • ethereal
  • gothic
  • dark ambient
  • neoclassical
  • ambient
Formed in 1999 by Federico and Francis, All My Faith Lost did not have an exact direction, but while revisiting “La Belle Dame Sans Merci," a poem by John Keats, the band began to focus on the enchanted world of the faeries. Viola and Raffaella, both singers and flautists, listened to the early works and joined All My Faith Lost...The musical style became more romantic and folk. After reading fairy tales and books such as Faeries and Good Faeries/Bad Faeries by Brian Froud, figures began to loom to eventually become songs.

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    Come Close My Lover

    Come Close, My Lover

    Disclose Your Eyes


    House of Incest

    Icy Dawns


    Ivory (Darkroom version)


    Notti Bianche
