k.d. lang

Bild Quelle:

  • female vocalists
  • singer-songwriter
  • canadian
  • country
  • pop
Kathryn Dawn Lang, OC (born November 2, 1961), better known under her stage name, k.d. lang, is a Grammy Award-winning Canadian singer and songwriter. She is regarded as one of Canada's foremost female vocalists, as well as a champion of legal equality for LGBT people. Her singing talent has lent itself to a wide range of genres, although earlier works, such as 'Angel With a Lariat' and 'Absolute Torch and Twang' (the last of which won her a Grammy Award for Best Female Country Vocal Performance) were predominantly country, with hints of jazz and salsa.

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    Dreams of the Everyday Housewife (Desperate Housewives)

    Extraordinary Thing

    Fado Hilario


    Flame of the Uninspired

    Friday Dance Promenade

    Full Moon Full of Love

    Get Some

    Golden Slumbers / The End

    Got the Bull by the Horns
