Arson Anthem

Bild Quelle:

  • hardcore
  • crust
  • hardcore punk
  • crustcore
  • punk
Arson Anthem is a Southern Hardcore Punk project whose lineup is as follows: Mike Williams (vocals; Eyehategod), Phil Anselmo (guitar; Pantera, Down, Superjoint Ritual), Hank Williams III (drums; Assjack, Superjoint Ritual), and Collin Yeo (bass guitar). According to Williams, the group spent 6 days in Houston, Texas recording eight songs in the spring of 2006. Their self-titled debut EP was released on February 19, 2008 through Housecore Records.

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    Bunker Life

    Cops Shoot Coke

    Doomed Morale

    Hammer Them Out

    Sri Lankan Medication

    The Avoider

    Wrecked Like Clockwork

    Year of the Fork
