Ottorino Respighi

Bild Quelle:

  • classical
  • italian
  • 20th century classical
  • composer
  • 20th century classical composer
Ottorino Respighi was born in Bologna, Italy. He was taught piano and violin by his father, who was a local piano teacher. He continued studying violin and viola with Federico Sarti at the Liceo Musicale in Bologna, composition with Giuseppe Martucci, and historical studies with Luigi Torchi, a scholar of early music. In 1900, Respighi went to Russia to be principal violist in the orchestra of the Russian Imperial Theatre in St Petersburg during its season of Italian opera; while there he studied composition for five months with Rimsky-Korsakov.

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    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, P. 172: Suite No. 3. Arie di Corte

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, P. 172: Suite No. 3. Italiana

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, P. 172: Suite No. 3. Passacaglia, Maestoso

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, P. 172: Suite No. 3. Siciliana

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, Suite No. 3: I. Italiana

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, Suite No. 3: II. Arie de corte

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, Suite No. 3: III. Siciliana

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, Suite No. 3: IV. Passacaglia

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto: 1. Anon.: Italiana (Fine sec. XVI). Andantino

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto: 2. Jean-Baptiste Besard: Arie di corte (Sec. XVI). Andante cantabile - Allegretto - Vivace - Lento con grande espressione - Allegro vivace - Vivacissimo - Andante cantabile

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto: 3. Anon.: Siciliana (Fine sec. XVI). Andantino

    Antiche danze ed arie per liuto: 4. Lodovico Roncalli: Passacaglia (1692). Maestoso - Vivace


    Balletsuite "Belkis, Regina di Saba": I. Il Sogno di Salomone

    Balletsuite "Belkis, Regina di Saba": II. Danza guerresca

    Balletsuite "Belkis, Regina di Saba": III. La Danza di Belkis all'aurora

    Balletsuite "Belkis, Regina di Saba": IV. Danza orgiastica (feat. tenor: Frank Bossert)

    Bernardo Gianoncelli: Bergamasca (1650)


    Church Windows: I. The Flight Into Egypt

    Church Windows: II. St. Michael Archangel

    Church Windows: III. The Matins of St. Clare

    Church Windows: IV. St. Gregory the Great

    Church Windows: Saint Michael the Archangel

    Circuses (from Feste Romane)

    Der Brunnen im Valle Giulia beim Morgengrauen

    Fabrizio Caroso: Laura soave (1581)

    Feste romane

    Feste Romane (Roman Festivals) : Circus Maximus

    Feste romane I. Circenses

    Feste romane II. Il Giubileo

    Feste romane III. L'Ottobrata

    Feste romane III. L'pttobrata

    Feste romane IV. La Befana

    Feste Romane, P. 157 No. 1: Circuses

    Feste Romane, P. 157 No. 2: The Jubilee

    Feste Romane, P. 157 No. 3: The October Festival

    Feste Romane, P. 157 No. 4: Epiphany

    Feste romane, P. 157 No. 4: La Befana (Philadelphia Orchestra feat. conductor: Riccardo Muti)

    Feste romane, P. 157: Circenses

    Feste romane, P. 157: Il Giubileo

    Feste romane, P. 157: L'Ottobrata

    Feste romane, P. 157: La Befana

    Feste romane/Roman Festivals: I. Circenses/Circuses

    Feste romane/Roman Festivals: II. Il giubileo/The Jubilee

    Feste romane/Roman Festivals: III. L'Ottobrata/The October Festival

    Feste romane/Roman Festivals: IV. La befana/Epiphany

    Feste romane: Circenses (Circuses)

    Feste romane: Giubileo (Jubilee)

    Feste romane: I. Circenses
