Deverova Chyba

Bild Quelle:

  • post-hardcore
  • silver rocket
  • jazzcore
  • two bass-guitars
  • czech
Deverova Chyba, a jazzcore trio, started off in 1997 in Tábor, Czech Republic. From the beginning the line-up is two basses, drums and vocal powered up with Czech lyrics. For the year 1998 violoncellist Ivana joined the band (CD demo Modra Ryma 1998). They play a mix of different styles: alternative, punk, hardcore whereas the characteristic sound is given by the instruments line-up. In various reviews that were published all over Europe but also in the US they are being compared to bands such as NoMeansNo...

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    Francie-?výcarsko 2:0 (1:0, 1:0, 0:0) version 1

    Francie-?výcarsko 2:0 (1:0, 1:0, 0:0) version 2


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