Zo Moeilijk

Bild Quelle:

  • nederhop
  • hip-hop
  • rap
  • hip hop
  • dutch
Zo Moeilijk is a Hip-Hop formation from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The group currently consists of the rappers Nosa & Roscovitch, Ra and the producer NIKES. The name of the group once started out as a joke. The core members started saying 'moeilijk' (difficult) whenever they thought something was 'dope'. Heavily inspired by Hip-Hop from the 90’s, Zo Moeilijk started out many years ago, but are seriously involved within the Hip-Hop scene ever since 2006. This is when Sticks, Rico (Opgezwolle) and Kees de Koning (Top Notch) got their hands on the Zo Moeilijk demo tape.

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    Nijmeegse Modo



    Roffe Rockers


    Stilte Voor De Storm

    Stoere Bink

    Tjek Me

    Was Me Naam
