Luka Bloom

Bild Quelle:

  • singer-songwriter
  • folk
  • irish
  • acoustic
  • folk rock
Luka Bloom (born 23 May 1955 as Barry Moore) is an accomplished Irish folk-rock singer-songwriter. He is also the younger brother of Irish folk singer Christy Moore. In order to avoid the pressure of being related to Christy Moore, Bloom adopted his pseudonym. "Luka" is taken from the title of Suzanne Vega's song "Luka" about child abuse and "Bloom" refers to the main character in James Joyce's Ulysses. Bloom is, however, very forthcoming about being Moore's brother and does not hide behind his stage name.

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    Dreams in America

    Early Morning

    Eastbound Train


    Exploring the Blue

    Feeling Inside Me

    Fertile Rock


    First Light of Spring


    Freedom Song


    German Girl


    Golden Feather

    Gone to Pablo

    Gypsy Music

    Hands of a Farmer

    Here and Now

    Hill of Allen

    Holding Back the River

    Holy Ground


    Hudson Lady

    I am a River

    I Am Not at War With Anyone

    I Believe in You

    I Did Time

    I Hear Her, Like Lorelei

    I Love Theworld I'm In
