
Bild Quelle:

  • black metal
  • war metal
  • death metal
  • old school black metal
  • black death metal
The Canadian outfit known as Blasphemy was formed in 1984. They are known for creating a small sub-genre known as "war metal". Each member does not go by their real name, but use ''ritual''-style titles instead. Blasphemy is considered a black metal band, and while the guitar riffs/solos and blast beat drumming certainly fit the black metal mold, the vocals have a more death metal edge to them, similar to Von or Sarcofago.

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    Emperor of the Black Abyss

    Empty Chalice

    Fallen Angel of Doom

    Flirtation in Paradise

    Goddess of Perversity

    Gods of War

    Hording of Evil Vengeance



    Nocturnal Slayer
