
Bild Quelle:

  • death metal
  • grindcore
  • brutal death metal
  • goregrind
  • deathgrind
Reborn as The Rotted in 2008 An infamous London-based Death Metal act, they split up in 2008 and members can be found performing in various bands (The Rotted, Traces, Agonyst). Signing to the Metal Blade label Gorerotted conjured up a sophomore album 'Only Tools and Corpses' for October 2003 release. The band would hit the road in Europe the following month, supporting Pungent Stench. Back out on tour in April of 2004 the band partnered with Sanatorium, Amputated and Mexican act Disgorge for a short burst of UK dates.

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    ...and Everything Went Black

    A Very Grave Business

    Adding Insult to Injury

    Bed 'em, Behead 'em

    Bed'em, Behead'em

    Can't Fit Her Limbs in the Fridge

    Corpse Fucking Art

    Cut, Gut, Beaten, Eaten

    Dead Drunk

    Fable of Filth

    Fuck Your Arse With Broken Glass

    Gagged, Shagged and Bodybagged

    Gagged, Shagged, Bodybagged

    Hacked in the Back, Dumped in a Sack


    Her Gash I Did Slash

    Horrorday in Haiti

    I Am the Black Wizards

    Masticated by the Spasticated

    Mutilated in Minutes, Severed in Seconds

    Nervous Gibbering Wreck

    Only Tools and Corpses

    Pain as a Prelude to Death

    Put Your Bits in a Concrete Mix

    Selection and Dissection of Parts for Resurrection

    Severed, Sawn and Sold as Porn

    Stab Me Till I Cum

    To Catch a Killer

    Village People of the Damned

    Zombie Graveyard Rape Bonanza
