
Bild Quelle:

  • visual kei
  • j-rock
  • japanese
  • rock
  • jrock
1) KuRt is a Japanese Visual Kei indies band that officially disbanded in February 2007. The band’s final line-up consisted of: てんてん (Tenten) on vocals, 伶希 (Ryouki) and 癒マ (Yuma) on guitar, Zill on bass, and 規明 (Kiaki) on drums. Tenten is currently working on a number of new projects, while Zill has gone on to play bass in Moran. 2) Kurt is a German (Post) Hardcore/Noise Rock band formed in 1994. Kurt takes the musical principles of melody and harmony and rips them to shreds. This is noise and this is rock – driving bass beats, crisp and loud guitars, pounding drums and powerful vocals.

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