Final Fight

Bild Quelle:

  • hardcore
  • melodic hardcore
  • hardcore punk
  • straight edge
  • posi-hardcore
Los Angeles' FINAL FIGHT embody the uplifting passion that defines the new wave of west coast hardcore. With their unique melodic sensibility, and lyrical content ranging from the political to the personal, FINAL FIGHT speak volumes. Their first full length "Under Attack" (Straight On, 2005) is a true hardcore masterpiece that needs to be heard to be believed. A split 7" with Life Long Tragedy was also released on Deathwish Inc.

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    Dying of Laughter

    Getting My Eyes Checked

    It's in the Blood

    Lost Loyalty

    Modified People

    Notes on Bombs and Fists

    One and Two


    Shifting the Center


    Three Years Ago


    Waste of Mind, Waste of Life

    When Actions Go Unchallenged

    When Words Go Unchallenged
