Grad Damen

Bild Quelle:

  • nederlandstalig
  • dutch
  • pop
  • dance
  • kutmuziek
Grad Damen (Breda, The Netherlands, 4 december 1982) is a dutch singer. His career started when he released his single 'Alisha', which is a dutch version of the song 'Un Canto A Galicia' by Julio Iglesias. Someone discovered him while playing in a pub called 'Bolle Jan' when he was only 17 years old. He released his second single in 2001, called 'Amore'. The single, released in 2000, became a true hit. After this many hits followed and in 2006 he got his own reality tv show.

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    1000 Zomersproetjes

    7 Dagen en nachten


    Adios amore

    Adios mi amor

    Al die mooie dromen van jou en mij


    Alle rozen die er zijn

    Alle Sterren in Die Zomernacht

    Als sterren stralen


    Arrivederci Claire

    Baila Y Fiesta Del Mar

    bailando Amore

    Bella Donna Maria

    Bella Madonna

    Bellamie Cherie

    Besta jij wel echt

    Dan komt er een dag

    Dans de flamengo
