Cultural Amnesia

Bild Quelle:

  • industrial
  • experimental
  • old school industrial
  • electronic
  • cassette culture
Cultural Amnesia are an English post-punk group first active between 1979 and 1983. During this first period they released three cassette albums: Video Rideo (1981), The Uncle of the Boot (1983) and Sinclair's Luck (1983) and contributed to a number of compilations. Working in the wake of the early industrial bands, CA's output is very diverse, ranging from ambient soundscapes to synthpop. After fifteen years of silence the band produced three new tracks in 1998. Recent years have seen a return to sustained activity and some small-scale releases of old and new material.

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    Aluminium Tubes

    Beautiful Song

    Colour Blind

    Cyberforms I

    Cyberforms II


    Dance Without Music

    Dead Men Don't Talk

    Death Music III

    Do You Remember the War?

    Dogtooth Spar

    Dummin' Song

    Greencage Cabaret

    Have You Seen the Ghost?

    Here to Go



    Khana Kloof


    Laughter in the Next Room
