Star Fucking Hipsters

Bild Quelle:

  • crack rock steady
  • punk
  • skacore
  • ska punk
  • punk rock
The story of Star Fucking Hipsters begins in 2004, when world renowned ska-punks Leftöver Crack were about to head out on their annual European tour and singer/guitarist Sturgeon & then current LoC drummer Brandon Chevalier-Kolling started planning a new band for the new year which included writing a jump off track eventually documented with LoC when the band entered the BBCs world-famous Maida Vale studio to record several songs for the UK’s Radio 1 program “The Lock Up.

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    3000 Miles Away

    9/11 Was (An Inside Joke)

    Allergic II Peoples

    Banned From the Land


    Church & Rape

    Death or Fight


    Dreams are Dead

    Empty Lives


    Immigrants & Hypocrites

    Introducción a Los Hipsters

    Look Who's Talking Now!

    Never Rest In Peace

    Only Sleep

    S.F.H. Theme

    Severance Pay

    Snitch to the Suture

    The Civilization Show

    The Path Is Paved

    This Wal-Mart Life

    Two Cups of Tea

    Until We're Dead

    Vol. II

    Zombie Christ


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