Straight Ahead

Bild Quelle:

  • hardcore
  • straight edge
  • youth crew
  • hardcore punk
  • 80s hardcore
Straight Ahead formed in New York City in 1986 from the ashes of NYC Mayhem. They recorded what some consider the best New York Hardcore record ever - the Breakaway 12" on IRisk Records in 1987. They also appear on the End The Warzone compilation with Larm and Attitude Adjustment. The 12" has been bootlegged countless times as a 7" EP, and another bootleg appeared in 2002 as a split LP with NYC Mayhem.

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    Das Ende des Festes

    Der Albatros

    Ein Gescheink

    Es gab Zeiten

    Fang an, Sprich Du

    Herz aus Stein

    Ich möchte Leben


    Leben in der Wirklichkeit

    My Problem


    On Parade

    Point of View

    Ruhe sanft, träume süss

    Spirit of Youth

    Stand United

    Straight Ahead /

    Straight Ahead / Daydream (special edit)

    Straight Ahead / Goin' down

    Straight Ahead / Listening with you

    Straight Ahead / Samstag

    Straight Ahead / Tuesday night music club

    Straight Ahead / Weiterzieh'n

    Think for Yourself

    Think Right

    Unnecessary Violence

    We Stand

    Who's to Blame?


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