Beyond Pink

Bild Quelle:

  • hardcore
  • riot grrrl
  • female vocalists
  • hardcore punk
  • crust
All female five-piece from Malmö, Sweden. The band started in 2002. This is definitely something for all those into fast hardcore, as well as riot grrrls sounds and tradition of the 80's swedish hc/punk. Their music reflects how wide influences they have and it makes their music powerful and kicking. Their lyrics are alongside with the music, they reflect anger and critical views on issues like macho/sexistculture, violent dancing, cops, pro-life fundemantalists or corporate capitalism and their financial institutions like WTO and G8.

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    Angry Game

    Batman Vs. Agent007


    Guitarmaster Dick

    Know Your Enemy


    Ponosna picka mater - ditt as!

    Slave for My Uterus

    Topmeeting Theme

    Walking Bajamaja

    Where Eagles Star

    Work Out to Kill
