
Bild Quelle:

  • post-rock
  • ambient
  • space rock
  • drone
  • kranky
The first Magnog demo cassette arrived in the kranky P.O. Box in the summer of 1995, three ninety minute cassettes inside an old leopard skin eyeglass case. Bassist Jeff Reilly told Willamette Week in January, 1997 that kranky "called us the day they got our tape and.. asked us if we wanted to put a record out. We were like, 'Yeah!' We thought we would have to do our record ourselves..." At the time the tapes arrived in Chicago the average age of the band's members was under twenty.

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    26 Times

    A Moment's Seam

    A Moments Seam

    Arc of Infinity

    Asleep at Light Speed

    Between Stones

    Borne Upon Waves


    Frame of Reference

    Ghost Squid

    Goom Chi Pan

    Goom Chi Pan (Reprise)

    Learning Forgetfulness


    Lost Landing

    More Weather

    Mystery Goodness

    Ocean Floor Sleep

    Our Texture

    Pattern Sifter




    Somewhere Between Asleep and Awake

    Tear Catching Current

    Vacant Chair

    Waiting Leaves
