Lääz Rockit

Bild Quelle:

  • thrash metal
  • speed metal
  • old school thrash metal
  • power metal
  • power thrash metal
Lääz Rockit is an American thrash metal band. Formed in 1982 in Berkeley, California, Lääz Rockit is considered to be one of the founders of the genre of thrash metal unique to the Bay Area music scene. The band's new style of metal helped start a huge fan base, with their high energy live performances becoming their signature trademark. Sold out performances in the burgeoning club scene soon gave Lääz Rockit label attention, and the Indie label Target Entertainment inked the band for their debut album in 1984, "City's Gonna Burn".

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    Dreams Die Hard


    Euroshima (live)

    Fire in the Hole

    Forced to Fight

    Greed Machine

    Holiday in Cambodia

    Holiday in Cambodia (Digital mix)

    I'm Electric
